White Dwarf - Leaf Curling


Active Member
I'll start by saying this is my first grow. Next I have 2 White Dwarf feminized seed growing in soil. I'm sorry but I dont know the PH of my soil, all though the brand is Happy Frog. I have a 400 W HPS light and two oscillating fans with a window open for cycling air (no neighors nearby). The problem I am having is that from about half way up the stem is to the top of the plant, the sides of my leaves are turning up. The water I am using is tap water ph to 6.4 and I am water when ever I stick my pinky nail into the soil and it is dry to the tip of my pinky.
Oh, and the light is about 9 - 11 inches from the top of the plants. Dosn't feel really warm near the top, maybe a tad but not much at all.

I may just be stressing over something thats no big deal but I thought it would be prudent to check.
That means you are doing a good job. The leaves are just reaching for the light. It is when they droop down is what you don't want. Keep up the good work. :)



Well-Known Member
Are the whole leaf starting to point upward or are the leaves canoeing? Do you have pictures?


Active Member
Oh and I temp turn the 400 W HPS in these photos cause it was making black lines in my photos. Also, I was thnking I have the fans on high and they point on the plants. How much does that bother them?


Well-Known Member
The plants look good and healthy from what I can see from those pics. Its a big hard to see however it doesn't look to have any problems. The fans are good to keep the air moving around the leaves and help strenthen the stalk. Don't know if it needs to be on high, but that depends on your fan. I like to have the fan blowing hard enough to have some movement in the stem so it strenthens them up for when they have to hold up those HUGE buds that I hope to get.


Active Member
My fans are pretty crappy so it is probably good. There is a tiny bit of movment in the stalk and the leaves shake a bit. Also do you think any added nutrients would be prudent? What can I do to make them happier? :D


Active Member
How would I know when a plant is close to needing a 12/12 light cycle? Would a 18/6 work better for flowering rather than 24 hours of light?
plants require 12 hours of straight darkness or they will not flower.
your plants look healthy from what I can tell from your pics.....


Well-Known Member
24/0 or 18/6 will keep your plants in grow mode

switching to 12/12 anytime once plant reaches maturity is how you force it to flower.

your plant looks healthy, but you need to know a little more about the soil that you put it in. is it organic? some soil already has time releasing fertilizer in it that feeds your plant but this is not recommended because you dont know how much your plant is getting. compared to using all organic with nothing added. this means until you find out more about your soil you cant add nutes.

but to give your plant an extra kick you could put some CO2 in your room if you want to make it happy. do you know any ways of doing so?

and by the way, does your room have high humidity? its hard to tell but your leaves seem to have pretty wide leaves, and that is a sign of high humidity. so try and figure that out also


Active Member
Isn't White Dwarf an autoflowering strain? Maybe I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure it is and if so their going to flower eventually regardless of your light cycle.


Active Member
Haahaahaa, I jsut realized I said 18/6 for the flowering when I meant for VEGGING. My soil is Happy Frog Organic Soil, How ever I have no way to test soil ph, humidity or temp.

So here is the deal of what I have figured out:
My plants bottom leaves are yellowing but it is from the outside of the leaf in which leads me to believe nitrate def. How ever I know I have also read that sometimes as a plant matures it loses those leaves. My growth above these bottom leave are VERY healthy. Even the nodes? (smaller leaf growing out of where the leaf and stem connect) above the leaves are very very healthy.

For a while I was watering incorrectly, I was watering to much but not enough at once so I was flodding the and chooking the tops of my roots however the bottom of the roots were getting no water. I have since then learned how to water correctly. I don't know if this could have played a part in it but I figured I should mention it.

I have switched the plant to an 18/6 cycle and it now growing at a MUCH better rate. I also thought I should mention, I have two White Dwarfs one which is about 3 inches shorter than the other. The taller one is the on having a problem how ever the shorter one seem completely happy with no signs of discoloration at all.

I do have a bowl of water in front of my Fan to increase humidity. This soil is all organic, and I pretty certain there is no time release nutes in it. I dont know a CHEAP way of putting CO2 in. I don't have much money but I love to try and grow. Thank you for all the help by the way.


Active Member
I just realized I meant to tell yoiu my problem changed. The leaf curling has stopped one we alleviated some heat stress. Now the bottom leaves are turning yellow. The first set has all ready turned necrotic, so I trimed them