which way do i go?


Hi ive got some single seeds fancy a change what would you say would be the best way to grow 2 x greenhouse chesse 2 x greenhouse dimand girl 2 x doggies nut white rhino which were free from the order! advice please?


Well-Known Member
put em in a cup of water for a day.put the cup in a cabinet. keep in the dark then they should split open after that if they don't its fine. put em into a grow plug , or soil, or what ever and put em under a light. and barely water . After the cup of water.I put them into a plug then put that in a part cup with soil. make sure the soil covers it. barely water it. then a week later it will be sprouting out of the soil. once the roots fill out the whole cup i would then transplant it into a 3 gal pot

Ive tried all different methods. this works the best. do not put it under a dome. the humidity will kill it. the dome is for clones

also after a day in the cup of water. swirl around the water around. the seeds that sink to the bottom are the best. the ones that float are no good. same method as checking eggs