Which technique should I use?


Good morning RIU,

This is my first post on this site and of course it is a some what mundane question. I've been growing for a few years now and I'm looking to try something new.
My grow room is 3 feet by 5 feet so quite long and narrow it's also quite limited in height, only 5 feet. It is lit by 2 x 400w HPS and I have a rather basic DIY CO2 system.

All of my previous have been short indica dominant plants and more recently the auto-flower variety's, I've generally crammed 12-15 of them in the room and gone for a SOG style grow but without any pruning etc.

Now my question to the people of RIU is what would be the most effective use of that space, what technique should I use on this next grow? SCROG, LST? Any reasons you can give for your choice would be really appreciated.


TheBlackLab :joint: