which seeds to get


Well-Known Member
ok so the stuff im growing now is struggling

what i want to know is which seeds or breeds or clones i should get to grow in Perth Australia where it gets damn hot

dont tell me your favorite breed that you use in a sub artic area pls :)

the room i grow in is hot with a 600w HPS, maybe 50 degrees on a hot day, but 35-40 often. you know how Perth summers get and i dont have an air con.

i pefer a sativa feel over indica, and room is not problem, but is there a strain resistant to heat issues ??

and if buying from an internet shop, one that delivers to australia without any issues too :)

cheers lads


Well-Known Member
awesome link, sounds like just the stuff i need :)
any idea about getting it sent to AUS, customs, that kind of thing?