which makes more heat? 3 125wcfl or 1 400w hps?


on my third grow now, normally grow 4 plants using 2 125w cfls but just got another 125w cfl for another 2 plants, wondering if its worth, for flowering, just getting one 400w hps??? atm my ventilation is fine for the cfls, stays about 28 degrees, will it be alot hotter or about the same to have one 400w hps compared to 3 125w cfls?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
look up the lumens per watt and youll find a way to get that hps in there. But if you have decent ventelatin go for it.


i used a 400w hps for my first grow and let me tell you this, without proper ventilation you will fry your plants they heat hps chuck out is insane


Well-Known Member
The HPS will be a lot hotter than those 3 cfl's...So you'll probably need to up your ventilation if you wanna' make the switch!


you legends alright cheers, i remember i did get a hps before my first grow, plugged it in, and sold it on ebay next day for half the price i got it because it was so toastey. just want to say tho, i no u lot are normally against chemicals and stuff, but if your not privilaged to be able to harvest a plant a week like me, have to put up with 4 plants every 15 weeks or u just run out and dnt wna spend money, buy some am-694, probably really bad for u but i been smoking it alot and its propper like bud. anyway cheers


Well-Known Member
That's a type of spice right? I'm kind of skeptical about that stuff...but I've smoked i before, but it's pretty intense in very large amounts...trust me...you do not wanna' smoke more than a few grams to yourself!!


spice was jwh-13 i think, this stuff is less harmful but still harmful haha o wellllll, propper fuckd this grow up i got going atm, planted 2 northern lights, they about 6 weeks old, and then i planted 2 more a week ago, and just got 2 more in germination, going to be so out of sync grim! will flower when the others are 3 weesks old, northern lgihts will be like 8 weeks old will be massive, going to give it some lst'ing, or maybe some hst'ing (high stress training, just stamp on it until it looks smaller) :p


Well-Known Member
spice was jwh-13 i think, this stuff is less harmful but still harmful haha o wellllll, propper fuckd this grow up i got going atm, planted 2 northern lights, they about 6 weeks old, and then i planted 2 more a week ago, and just got 2 more in germination, going to be so out of sync grim! will flower when the others are 3 weesks old, northern lgihts will be like 8 weeks old will be massive, going to give it some lst'ing, or maybe some hst'ing (high stress training, just stamp on it until it looks smaller) :p
Hahaha! Really out of sync on the perpetual there! But you'll dial it down eventually I hope! Lol

And Lol at the HST, very primitive but just might work!!! Lol