Which is the best Vaporizer

Im thinking about buying me a vaporizer, because if heard its a better way to smoke. More comfortable and nice then a joint.
I have no experience with that.
What are your experience with vaporizers? Where you bought your vaporizers? Or what you think is the best.
Or is there even a better way to smoke then with a vaporizer?

Illegal Smile

Next to the volcano, the silver surfer is widely considered best at around 250. There is a base model of the silver surfer called da Buddah at $155, the only diff is cosmetics. I love mine. Gotvape.com


woman o´the green;3263836 said:
Im thinking about buying me a vaporizer, because if heard its a better way to smoke. More comfortable and nice then a joint.
I have no experience with that.
What are your experience with vaporizers? Where you bought your vaporizers? Or what you think is the best.
Or is there even a better way to smoke then with a vaporizer?
smoking is not vaporizing, lol. go with vaporbrothers or volcano. i have used both extensively and really enjoy them.



Well-Known Member
Hey woman o' the green,
I bought mine about 1.5 years ago. (see link below).
I paid around $200.00 and I think it's just great. You can vape and there is virtually no smell of MJ at all.
Here is a link to a demo from the v-tower vapourizer.
I know there are better ones on the market now, but I am happy with what I have for the price I paid.
I bought mine at the local head shop and I'm sure you can buy them all over now.
Happy vaporizing !



Active Member
I have a vaporbrothers and works great. Totally different feeling when using it and is a creeper. I didn't want to mess with bags, so this is perfect for me. The heating element is durable and I think you can pick up one of these online for under $150 and they have a great warranty.


Well-Known Member
Silver Surfer rules. I had a buddy who had both silver surfer and vapor bros. 3 problems w/ vap bros... 1. the screen is a MAJOR PAIN IN THE ASS TO CHANGE, the SSV the screen changes super easy and in about 30 seconds. 2. is the heating element went out after 4 years and needed replacement. 3. When you smoke the vap bros you have to put the wand sloping down to the heating element causing herb to fall out of the wand and in to the element, wasting herb and its probably not good for the element to have burnt crap lying around.

Needless to say I got a sliver surfer when purchase time came. Also they sell badass ice chamber and water filter attachments.

SSV rules!


whatever you do, get one of quality vapes recommended. DO NOT buy some no name made in china knockoff on ebay. it will either arrive broken, break quickly, be the wrong voltage, or contain toxic metals in the heating element.


Active Member
i have a vapir one i got from amsterdam for 150 usd.......i see them in high times for 175, its a good vaporizer with the ballons, for vapir whips it suks...i would still consider it


Well-Known Member
i have a vapir one i got from amsterdam for 150 usd.......i see them in high times for 175, its a good vaporizer with the ballons, for vapir whips it suks...i would still consider it

I also use the vapir1, its a digital vape that works great.. i wouldn't buy a vape that you can not adjust temp and fan speed... its a must, I have used the volcano and for the price its not worth it over the hand held vapir1


Well-Known Member
IMO, the best vape for the price is a Da Buddha. I've got one and I love it! It warms up in less than 5 minutes, screen changes are a snap, the heating element is ceramic, it can stay on indefinitely, and it looks cool. I live 2 hours from where they make them so I get really fast shipping on replacement screens and accessories. I purchased the 19mm glass on glass adapter so I could use it with my sweet ass bong. Try the vape with water filtration and ice and it will take you to another world. Best way to consume cannabis, IMO.