Which companies provide the most stable auto genetics


New Member
Hey guys,

I'm currently growing my first set of autoflowers.
I have 3X fat banana automatic by RQS and it's an absolute crapshoot.
They are just 3 completely different plants.
One of them has these big indica leaves while the other has nice small sativa leaves, the third one is just a complete freakshow (which might be mb lol).
Anyway this made me wonder, is this just what it's like with autos or are there companies out there who are actually able to deliver solid genetics?
I'd love to do another set of autos after this one but I want it to be worth it.

Peace and Love
One strain that is always consistent for me and others is fastbuds GSC. Really fast cycle too - takes around 70 days every time.

One thing to bear in mind is that growing from seed is always a gamble. You could get by chance get two from completely opposite sides of the spectrum and 1 ‘normal’ one.

Heard of pheno hunting right? Thats as I’m sure aware growing out many seeds to find one keeper then keep it as a mother/clone it.

It’s a bummer with autos as you can get a killer pheno yet not clone it. It’s the price you pay for faster harvests.

But as i mentioned GSC by FB is always consistent and super tasty!
Hey guys,

I'm currently growing my first set of autoflowers.
I have 3X fat banana automatic by RQS and it's an absolute crapshoot.
They are just 3 completely different plants.
One of them has these big indica leaves while the other has nice small sativa leaves, the third one is just a complete freakshow (which might be mb lol).
Anyway this made me wonder, is this just what it's like with autos or are there companies out there who are actually able to deliver solid genetics?
I'd love to do another set of autos after this one but I want it to be worth it.

Peace and Love
Mephisto, RocBudInc and Dutch Passion are among the most stable