where to vent hot air


Well-Known Member
ok so my grow is soon to be complete and i am doing an indoor grow outback in my shed no insulated and i was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to how i could vent the hot air to avoid any flir detection i know everyone says they need a warrant and i am aware of this yet im paranoid and would like to know if there are any suggestions thanks for your time and suggestions


Well-Known Member
You could vent out and underground. Like dig a trench in the dirt and have it go towards your house and then up like it was a vent for your house and the ground will dramatically cool it. Just a suggestion. Or get an ac to cool it.


Well-Known Member
thats what i was thinking a whole lot easier said than done i was think also to blow the hot air under water with the water cooling


Well-Known Member
I've seen your bong-style exhaust idea in action dhhbomb.. Not for a grow op, but a home lab exhaust scrubber that didn't always use water.. You'd need a good blower, and up close expect the noise level to be high and rather unexplainable..