where should i start?


hello as my name says i am useless....i have done quite abit of reading and asked people questions but still unsure.

i went to my local grow shop yesterday and was told best thing for me to do is make my own room, not buy a tent?

use soil not hydro as is easier?

use soil with 6 weeks nuts in already?

use a 4 pot wilma system under a 600w light?

use a 200w carbon filter and fan?

please can someone tell me if this sounds gd enough?

he told me i would get 4 dry from each plant?


Well-Known Member


start with just the basics buddy. sounds like you have quite a ways to go too, judging by the questions you asked. Not that there is anything wrong with new growers.. I mean hell, we all start at the same point when growing.. nobody learned how to grow over night.


P.S. - Never use soils that are premixed with nutrients. For one, you really have no idea how strong or how weak these "nutes" really are. Secondly, they're a bitch and almost impossible to flush out before harvesting. Best to use an organic soil.. without any premixed nutrients. As for nutrients.. its best to use organic nutrients to go along with the organic soil. I highly suggest you check out and read up on 'General Organics' nutrients (what I use personally) and I also use an all 100% organic soil, the brand name is called 'Jiffy' and its their 100% organic soil. Hope that helps ya out some. Good luck man.


Well-Known Member

The hydro store dude will have ya spending $ that you may not need to.Remember.....that store is there to make $ and that is it.

With what you have listed yes you can accomplish 4 zips per plant.....with knowledge and experience.Ya don't want to go straight into it thinkin thats what you will DEFINITELY get at harvest.

And by all means bro if ya got a little cash and the space the above sounds pretty good.I have a room also so can't really give any advice on tents but peeps are rockin them every where.

Soil is a good place to start.Thats where i'm stayin.
first grow go as basic as you can get to learn it really don't buy a bunch of equipment that you might not need or use, keep it simple, soil I would juyourst grab a bag of happy frog from the grow shop most of them have it, grab at least a 400w hps light, if money permits get a combo light pack that has MH and a HPS bulb. I would also get some 2x2 lumber and some panda film and make a small grow room or tent or buy a small 3x3x6 tent something to handle 2-6 plants, as for venting and air, a 4" inlne fan and matching cfm carbon filter would work good for that type of setup, may even be enough for a 600w hps if thats the way you went, also get you a small ocilating fan for your grow area