Where, oh where is Graywolfslair.com?


Well-Known Member
Hi ya’ll!

My apologies on this dilatory post explaining why all the Graywolfslair links in the various forums no longer work. I was hoping to resolve it before now, but alas that is not to be!

The short version is that Vultr had an equipment failure and lost the cloud containing my site, as well as the backups my webmaster had stored there.

Everything is no more. Imagine my chagrin at that was the third time I’ve populated a site with articles, starting with Skunk Pharm Research, The Alchemist Resource, and then Graywolfslair.com.

My webmaster is putting together a new Graywolfslair.com site using a more dependable and reliable host who backups up on a separate drive and I have purchased a 16TB auxiliary drive for a second backup.

I don’t have an estimate of how long it will take to get back on line, and sadly the existing links will never work again, but Graywolfslair.com will return and I will keep you updated on progress.

Every time you hit one of those dead links, I encourage you to remember that it was Vultr who took that support away from you.

I wish I could say that they were remorseful and helpful in mine and my webmasters attempts in recovering the Lair after their crash, but alas that was not the case, so I do not recommend them for a site host.

More on that once I get the site back up……………………

One Flying Skunk Eye awarded to Vultr!

Flying Skunkeye Award-5.8.jpg
Hi ya’ll!

My apologies on this dilatory post explaining why all the Graywolfslair links in the various forums no longer work. I was hoping to resolve it before now, but alas that is not to be!

The short version is that Vultr had an equipment failure and lost the cloud containing my site, as well as the backups my webmaster had stored there.

Everything is no more. Imagine my chagrin at that was the third time I’ve populated a site with articles, starting with Skunk Pharm Research, The Alchemist Resource, and then Graywolfslair.com.

My webmaster is putting together a new Graywolfslair.com site using a more dependable and reliable host who backups up on a separate drive and I have purchased a 16TB auxiliary drive for a second backup.

I don’t have an estimate of how long it will take to get back on line, and sadly the existing links will never work again, but Graywolfslair.com will return and I will keep you updated on progress.

Every time you hit one of those dead links, I encourage you to remember that it was Vultr who took that support away from you.

I wish I could say that they were remorseful and helpful in mine and my webmasters attempts in recovering the Lair after their crash, but alas that was not the case, so I do not recommend them for a site host.

More on that once I get the site back up……………………

One Flying Skunk Eye awarded to Vultr!

View attachment 5233407
Hey Fade, had a question. For decarb to THC, I've ALWAYS done 250f for 30 min in oven(now air fryer(i LOVE this thing) in a silicone tray with top) and have never felt any issues in potency/available THC. My question is regarding changeing THC to CBN. I read 320f for 90 minutes, but most places didn't give any conversation %s or any ranges of temps and where it becomes a loss. Just wondering if you have any info on this. Thanks, hope you had/will have Happy Holidays.
Hey Fade, had a question. For decarb to THC, I've ALWAYS done 250f for 30 min in oven(now air fryer(i LOVE this thing) in a silicone tray with top) and have never felt any issues in potency/available THC. My question is regarding changeing THC to CBN. I read 320f for 90 minutes, but most places didn't give any conversation %s or any ranges of temps and where it becomes a loss. Just wondering if you have any info on this. Thanks, hope you had/will have Happy Holidays.
Sorry I don't have a definitive answer for you, despite a serious effort on my part at one time. I never found any heat conversion that didn't lose more THCA and CBDA, than it produced CBN by a wide margin. I infer that it because the same heat that turns THC/CBD to CBN, also turns existing CBN to something else, but there may be interim forms.

I even bounced it off my favorite Molecular Biologists specializing in cannabis, who had no definitive answer, but provided me with a plethora of links to various papers that didn't answer it either.

I did produce a high CBN product while trying to acetylize THC and added too much Sulfuric to the Acetic Anhydride mixture. I also know that labs are producing CBN from THC or CBD using chemistry. I'll check with Pharmex and Pharmer Joe to see what they might share on the subject and report back.
Sorry I don't have a definitive answer for you, despite a serious effort on my part at one time. I never found any heat conversion that didn't lose more THCA and CBDA, than it produced CBN by a wide margin. I infer that it because the same heat that turns THC/CBD to CBN, also turns existing CBN to something else, but there may be interim forms.

I even bounced it off my favorite Molecular Biologists specializing in cannabis, who had no definitive answer, but provided me with a plethora of links to various papers that didn't answer it either.

I did produce a high CBN product while trying to acetylize THC and added too much Sulfuric to the Acetic Anhydride mixture. I also know that labs are producing CBN from THC or CBD using chemistry. I'll check with Pharmex and Pharmer Joe to see what they might share on the subject and report back.
Ok, i keep seeing different stuff scouring the web. 240f for 3 hours, 300f for 90 min and 390f for 60 min were what i saw most all of the time, but zero inclination on how much THC to CBN or where it gets to that point where the CBN gain is not worth the THC loss. I appriciate the reply and anything you can offer at your leisure.
Check this process out.
While i appreciate the effort, that is WAY beyond my comprehension and i wouldn't be willing to venture into anything with "equipment" more than the common household methods. I have tried some the "alt noids" though the only ones i feel like i could use is CBC, CBG, CBN and THCv since they occur low in typical grown flowers. I do have CBN Isolate, but i was wanting to get my own just from heat degradation for oil capsules or just to smoke it(my bong has a percolator and i barley taste much anyways) and not spend extra on the Isolate.
While i appreciate the effort, that is WAY beyond my comprehension and i wouldn't be willing to venture into anything with "equipment" more than the common household methods. I have tried some the "alt noids" though the only ones i feel like i could use is CBC, CBG, CBN and THCv since they occur low in typical grown flowers. I do have CBN Isolate, but i was wanting to get my own just from heat degradation for oil capsules or just to smoke it(my bong has a percolator and i barley taste much anyways) and not spend extra on the Isolate.
it seems only "mildly" complicated :)
I know this is a year out, so anymore specifics of THC to CBN?
Time and Temp for decarb?
Probably not that simple?
I know this is a year out, so anymore specifics of THC to CBN?
Time and Temp for decarb?
Probably not that simple?
A good question that I don't have a good answer too. Does anyone have a time and temperature chart for THC to CBN?

One issue is that the same time and temperature that turns THC into CBN changes existing CBN into its next lower form.
A good question that I don't have a good answer too. Does anyone have a time and temperature chart for THC to CBN?

One issue is that the same time and temperature that turns THC into CBN changes existing CBN into its next lower form.
Here is an article that may shed some light.

Quite interesting seems conversion is most complete around 300 f
one question I would have: when decarbing at the higher temps does that destroy valuable terpenes?
Here is an article that may shed some light.

Quite interesting seems conversion is most complete around 300 f
one question I would have: when decarbing at the higher temps does that destroy valuable terpenes?
Why would you care about loss of terpenes if decarbing? Best case would be a decarb with just the thc and no flavor for using in edibles
Why would you care about loss of terpenes if decarbing? Best case would be a decarb with just the thc and no flavor for using in edibles
I want to keep the full amount of terpenes because there are several that seem to help with insomnia, I want the full entourage effect.