also you have a double post of this question, you can go into the other one hit the edit button and delete it, might have to hit go advanced can't remember
put em in a ziplock baggy with rice (not minute rice and more rice than seeds), burp as much air out of the baggy as you can put the baggy in a bowl (ziplock is good cause ya can burp it) or air tight jar, add more rice in the bowl and put it in the freezer, should be good for 1 to 2 years
Rice acts as a dessecant (removes moisture) and this stops moisture build up (normal in freezer think freezer burn)
if just a month a ziplock baggy burped is fine no need to freeze
Plastic container used for rubber gloves. small like the size of 10 quarters stacked on top eahc other, also has a tiny hole in there to allow it to breathe
so if i vacuum seal a bag wrap it in a paper towel and put the wrapped paper towel in a tupperware in my fridge drawer that should be cool for a year??