Active Member
Since yesterday I have been slammed with bull shit "Green" information. I just read on yahoo news that game consoles total energy use and Co2 output is as high as San Diego. Should we now go after video gamers? What if one of those gamers drove a Land Rover? Can you imagine his enormous carbon output? Oh God run run run! I think the real way to get this country back on track is not thinking about alternative fuels and trying to force Americans to change their car overnight, but injecting drug money into the economy. Fire the DEA, maybe offer agents police or fire fighting jobs. Stop the expense of fighting a drug war in S. America. We have an unsecured border and our troops are in Iraq and Afghanistan? We should have hired a paramilitary to kill Bin Laden and deal with Iraq, if you think something truly had to be done. Instead liberals and their newly elected messiah are concerned with bankrupting the "dirty" coal industry! Fuck going green and the fascist liberals that are now running this country.