Some people wait a week, but I always hit it with 0.4 EC from day 1 (in fact, after buffering the coco, I rinse the coco with 0.4 EC feed a day before dropping the taproot in) and it takes off like a rocket ship. As you can see, your seedlings are tiny for a week. If you feed from day 1, you'll be ready to transplant after 7-14 days (depending on your starting container).
With regard to your earlier runoff question, if your coco is prepared properly then the media will be porous enough to handle saturating the media and still giving seedlings enough oxygen. If you're in 100% straight coco and/or didn't sift out the coco peat (coffee ground sized coco dust) then you might have to be a little cautious the first few days.
Basically, it's pretty easy to figure out - feed them once a day at lights on to at least 10% runoff and if any of them grow super slowly after a few days and the leaves droop, then the media is too compacted and they're not getting enough oxygen and just switch to a dryback protocol for a week or so. You shouldn't have that problem with the perlite in there.
A general feed chart for coco with a starting EC water of 0, would be:
0.4-0.5 EC seedling, first week
1.1-1.5 EC veg
1.2-1.6 EC flower