When to start GO BOX nutes with Ocean Forest Soil?


Active Member

Just got the General Organics box. Been looking forward to it for a couple weeks.

I have 2 plants at 10 days that just sprouted their second set of leaves. I germinated them in 4 oz cups in 60/40 Ocean Forest/Perlite. Everything is looking healthy.

Normally I wouldn't do anything except for Rapid Start until week 3 or so because Ocean Forest has more than enough for seedlings. However, the GO box has some other stuff that I maybe should be using (BioRoot, BioWeed, Diamond Black). They are all low in N (BioRoot - 1, BioWeed - .0.2, Diamond Black - 0). They are for root development and soil health so I'd like to start them whenever it's safe to do so.

2 Questions:

1.) Should I be using BioWeed, BioRoot, and/or Diamond Black now or soon?
2.) When should I start the Grow and Marine (looking forward to the squiddy wave thats gonna hit my room.)

The instructions say start Everything except for Flowering nutes on week 1 but I'm thinking that's for a soil that's less hot than OF.


Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
If your plants are looking pale and yellow, they might need some nitrogen.

If they look green and perky, you probably don't need to feed them.


Well-Known Member
I make teas with the diamond black and bio root. Also, using lite doses of bio weed and marine. I let it brew for 24 hours then feed. Probably want to start at quarter strength then work your way up. I apply teas every 2 weeks and it really helps keep them healthy. I'd probably wait another week before feeding them teas. Good luck. This is my 5th run with the GO line and I love it. Careful with the bio marine it's some potent shit!


Well-Known Member
I am using FFOF on a few plants right now and it is good soil but really hot. I tried my normal starting dose of veg nutes at week 4 and god burn really bad. I waited about 2 weeks and then tired cutting the grow nutes down from 5ml to 1ml and that was ok so the next week I bumped it up to 3ml and got burn again. I am at about week 6-7 of veg maybe week 6 and I still can only feed 1ml of veg nutes. Used Botanicare Pro Grow BTW. I have no problems feeding camg, sweets or Bio Root Just the veg nutes. I also like the GO and GH line of nutes and the Botanicare for their Pro Grow and Pro Bloom nutes. I have a few plants in Happy Frog as well so I will see if that is as hot as FFOF, I was told by a friend that HF is a little easier on the nutes so we will see.


Well-Known Member
ffof is good for 4 weeks from seed due to hot nuts.. Dont add anything during those 4 wks except water. Anyone who waits till yellowing leaf to ad nuts. is not a good grower. Less is more and say it every time for everything but water as long as you are not overwatering. Ive used a bunch of snake oil grow and bloom nuts. causing all kind of issues. When I went to Sunleaves Seabird Guano-organic the plants stayed green till chop. just add a tablespoon of nuts top soil every 3-4 weeks from week 4 seed to chop. $15 bucks for guano. Water as normal and that is all u need. Forget all the additives that turn leaves yellow and die.