When to Start Flowering?


Well-Known Member
From seed...anytime after pre-flowers develop is a good idea...the longer you wait...the more mature the plant is before flowering.


Well-Known Member
I'd say anytime you want. As long as the roots are established. The plant will get about 2x taller than it is now. Anyone else can chime in on this too. Oh yea it has to be I'd say 3-4 weeks from seed. Just my .02


Well-Known Member
The more bud sites you'll get to grow, but remember that the taller the plant the less light the bottom gets unless you add more light for down below. Also add a fan to that so the plant can hold all that weight!

Father Jack

Well-Known Member
If you're growing from seed...then once you get alternating nodes(not coming out side by side, but staggered instead)...your plant is mature and ready to flower. Topping, Lst or other training methods are a good idea to create an even canopy with multiple tops.

Remember the plant will have a fair amount of stretch...conditions and strain dependent...so look at the height you have in your flower area...and judge from there.

The type of light you use will also dictate the height of your plant. There is no sense growing a giant tree with a 400 watt light. The bottom 2/3rds of the plant will be almost useless except fluff for the hash pile.
