I am 2 weeks into flower and am out of seeds when do I pollinate for best results?
on a side note I started with paypa from nirvana, (F1 I think???) got one aggressive male and saved the pollen. Then I got a perfect girl (same seed pack)that was white and awesome and pollinated the lower branches and now I have one growing from that breeding, would that be an F2? if I pollinate the new girl (F2???) with the (F1 male) what does that give me?
on a side note I started with paypa from nirvana, (F1 I think???) got one aggressive male and saved the pollen. Then I got a perfect girl (same seed pack)that was white and awesome and pollinated the lower branches and now I have one growing from that breeding, would that be an F2? if I pollinate the new girl (F2???) with the (F1 male) what does that give me?