When to Harvest?

i first saw my outdoor plant starting to show its sex around April 14-15.don't know what the strain is but it smells fukin great but anyways im at 4 weeks right now .will the leaves start changing color when its time for me to harvest it that the tell tell sign:?:


I usually take a magnifying glass and look at the trichomes to see what color they are. The trichomes are the little balls of goop that form on the leaves and buds of the plant. When they start turning from a clear color to an amber or milky-white color, and the hairs on the plant start turning red or brown. That is when I determine that the plant is about ready for harvest. There is a window of about a week that is best for harvesting a plant, so usually do it when about half of the trichomes are an amber color. Good luck! :)
pre she ate it...some of the hairs are turing brownish but the majority of it is still white. i have three more that started showin there sex sometime last week i think the sunday before last....are they autoflower since its not summer solstice yet