when to harvest?? and awsome pics


Well-Known Member
all these are from clone. every one had a different amount of veg and flower. grown under 400w hps home cool tube with pro mix soil and MG nutrients. im wondering when you think the 2 cingle cola ones might be ready to cut. i was hoping a week. let me know wut you guys think about my grow. im really excited and got alot more clones waiting to go into flower. also if anyone can help me on how they dry/cure there bud i'd love to know my method doesnt seem to work that great +REP


Active Member
Its really hard to tell you by those pictures if they are done. They are deff. close to being done but you need better pictures, or a microscope from radioshack to see the trichomes. As for drying and curring, hang it in ur grow area, upside down, on a coat or shirt hanger and leave in dark to dry. Then when done drying, put in mason jars, opening the lid every few days, until cured. You may leave them in this jar during your smoking, opening and re-opening, which cures them further.