When to flush?


Well-Known Member
hey all, havent posted in here in ages! anyway, I have 5 female plants on the go, and one, kandy kush x cheesequake/skunk 1 is nearly finished growing. Trichs are everywhere, getting real frosty, buds are really fattening up, and has a few red hairs in. Im estimating I have 4-5 weeks left of flowering, but not totally sure, as it was grown outside since june, and brought inside 2 weeks ago, under a 600w hps (and this is my first sucessful grow so far). How do you know when there is 2 weeks left, in order to flush? Some pistils are pinkish in colour at the mo if that helps lol


Well-Known Member
I don't flush......but if you want too......you know when theirs 2 weeks left when you think its bout ready to harvest...so really this is a "is it done yet thread" in disguise


Well-Known Member
this really doesnt help considering its my first proper grow lol. Its not a is it done yet thread, its a, how do you tell when to flush thread lol. Basically, is it by looking at the trichs, or the pistils? I personally think its close to harvest now, but Im pretty sure I do know when to harvest, just not when to flush. I want to flush to make sure I get a smooth smoke at the end, if I wasnt flushing, I would simply harvest when the trichs are how I want them, but as I am flushing, I dont want to do it too near the end, as i dont want too many amber trichs, but I dont want to do it too early, and not give the most amount of nutes I can. I guess it can be seen as a, is it done yet thing though, but I know its not, as from pics Ive seen, the buds go really thick dont they?


Well-Known Member
I was just giving you a hard time bro...as you may have realized these threads come up often, I mean flushing and when its done

You still have a few weeks to go..


Well-Known Member
thankyou, Ive tried scouring the internet, sometimes a bit obsessively lol. I just want to make sure that I start flushing at the right time, as in watering with no nutes, not filling the pot over and over with water flush, and wasnt sure if I should start now, or wait longer. Out of interest, when is the point most people do start flushing, is it when trichs are still cloudy, or when pistils have gone a deeper orange colour, or something diff? I cant seem to find the info, maybe im blind lol


Well-Known Member
Yea feed till harvest. Careful though if you give too much n the leaves will be dark and it takes a bit longer in cure to breakdown the extra chlorophyll


Well-Known Member
ok, thanks for the info, what mediums should you flush two weeks before? im using canna coco with the other 4, should i flush that 2 weeks before? if so, id best start flushing the northern lights x big bud auto, as its on 42 days now, and its supposed to only go to 55 days


Well-Known Member
ok, thanks for the info, what mediums should you flush two weeks before? im using canna coco with the other 4, should i flush that 2 weeks before? if so, id best start flushing the northern lights x big bud auto, as its on 42 days now, and its supposed to only go to 55 days
Don't flush unless you have been really over feeding.
I used to grow in coco and at first I flushed. Then I did some research and found that there is no scientific rationale behind flushing.
I didn't flush my next run and the plants turned out great.

The crappy taste and black ash is a huge myth, spread by naive people.

Plants need less food at the end of their life cycle.

Check the ppm of your fert solution before watering, then check the ppm of the runoff. The runoff should be lower, if it is not then use less nutes.
Flushing will just stress your plants and lower your yields.
Drying and curing properly is important.
Poor drying curing is probably why people think you need to flush.


Well-Known Member
thats exactly the info ive been looking for, thanks a lot :) ive grown before, but never to a final harvest, this is my first proper one, so obv want to get it right. Ive got a cheapy ph meter, and do use that often, but havent tried testing it before and after, i only ever test the growing medium, so thats a really good tip :) thankyou. If you dont need to, why do loads of grow guides say flush 2 weeks before, such as jorge gervantes, etc?


Well-Known Member
Cause they're idiots.. ask some orange growers if they flush their trees, how about pecans apples? Maybe fruit that grows on a bush, strawberries, grapes?
No dude...no professional grower flushes. Even if you do flush you'll notice the buds stay the same color. The fan leaves do their job and fall off turn yellow ect...their aren't nutes in your buds. They don't understand how a plant absorbs and uses nutrients

I bet those people want to see white ash? Lol I wonder what the white stuff is


Well-Known Member
Copy and pasted a post of mine from another section...this should help with ash confusion
Though it may also be confusing out of context and spliced

"When wood is heated anaerobically, it turns black as the water is driven off, leaving charcoal, or carbon, behind. When charcoal burns in air, the carbon combines with oxygen, producingthe gas, carbon dioxide. But if you have ever used a charcoal grill,you may have noticed that charcoal turns white as it burns. This white ash is what remains of the non-flammable minerals which were present in the wood to begin with. You don't really notice them until the carbon has burned away. These ashes have a composition which varies according to the kind of wood and the soil in which it grew, and it is this variable composition which marks ash as a mixture rather than a pure substance. Hope that helps with the color of ash confusion

Also you can now laugh in peoples face when they say their ash didn't burn white cause it wasn't flushed properly lol....that white is either potash or sodium carbonate..if it only burns black it simply still has moisture in it

Man sometimes Isurprise even myself..I should write a book for stoners, I'm slangin gold over here folks

Since I'm bored and on the subject, that anaerobic burning is what causes butane lighters to produce soot or that black stuff if you put the flame under something, propane burns wonderfully clean but as you add carbon it needs more oxygen, as you go up it won't burn properly unless you add an oxidizer.. this is also why BIC lighters are only about 500 degrees instead of 3500 or whatever butane likes to burn at.."

If for whatever reason you didn't get it....white ash is nutes....black ash is carbon...I wonder which is better;) or if it just has moisture from a lame ass cure giving it a bad name


Well-Known Member
I got rid of my cheapo ph pen after I realized I was using the drops to configure it.
You need a ppm meter to check how much your plant is eating. If you have been over feeding it is not going to hurt to water the last couple days with ph'd water.

The last time I "flushed" I watered as normal with about 10% runoff to waste with plain water the last two days.
If you are feeding properly you can feed until the last watering.

Plants need less food at the end of their life cycle.

Check the ppm of your fert solution before watering, then check the ppm of the runoff. The runoff should be lower, if it is not then use less nutes.
Flushing will just stress your plants and lower your yields.
Drying and curing properly is important.


Active Member
Yeah I have to agree, I was dumb and I flushed my best grow ever and it came out good but I lost some weight due to the flush. I spoke to some very known very pro growers and they all said Flushing is a myth and isn't required unless your plant is showing symptoms of salt build up in which its too late anyway but you can try and relieve some of the stress by flushing out as much salt build up as possible.

Long story short on my next grow I did flush again but only for 3 days and with final phase and I think it came out 75% better than my best grow (In terms of weight) and my last grow I didnt flush one plant at all and flushed other similar plants to see the difference and a lot of lost weight. I think flushing just makes you lose that last 2-3 week weight gain from starving your plant.

Its like if you ate big meals with tons of meat all your life, then one day someone says none of that left in the world and you start eating veggies and fruits only. Your body gets fucked up for a few until it can cope with the change.


Active Member
never flush soil
Thanks,i was just about to ask that tho i didnt think your suposed to,Id hate to kill the babys about ready to cut ,stoned pixie nice thread,these are days away from being harvested,week at most,waiting for some more amber to fill in,then chopchop
,im not flushing or feeding nutes,but last 3 waterings,i mixed 1 squezzed lemon into 3 quarts of water,she seems to love it

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