When to flush is the real question... :)


New Member
Hello out there!

A question for whoever might have the time and knowledge to share.

I would really like to hit the right spot for an uplifting Sativa magic and therfore would like to avoid going too long and ending up in a couchlock. I understand that for this the best time is when all thicomes are while and just a few amber.

The problem is that many post talk about "the right" harvest time. But very few address the issue about when to start flushing which needs to be done 10 days before harvesting.

The currsent senario is the following:
  1. A hydro system using GHE Flora seires and a 400 W HPS.
  2. A sativa perdominat strain (Skunk #1??) that has about 10 - 20 % bran new pistils. All the other ones are still while but you can see they are not as new. You cant seem to see any amber or orange ones. or at least 1 % at the most.
  3. The plant has stoped vertical growth about 8 weeks ago. So everything looks nice and big. ;) I think this plant is a 9 weeks flowering strain.
  4. You can clearly see with a 60x microscope that there are no white tricomes. All seem transparent. (at least looking on the side ones since when you look at them from the top is hard to tell due to backgound colors.)
  5. You can see over all that the buds have no white frost look to them. So I guess the plant is not there yet.
  6. I have a bottle of GHE Rippen which I plan to use during the 10 days final flush.
Now there is a travel coming up so this puts me in a bind. Im afraid of missing that sweet spot of harvesting and going too far and ending up with a couch lock.

I hterfore have three options:
  1. I can start fluishing right now and harvest in 10 days. And hope that the GHE Rippen got the plant to the right place.
  2. I can run the system for one week and then do the flushing.
  3. I can run the system for two more weeks and then do the flushing. The problem here is that due to the travel, I cant start flushing in 1.5 weeks. It has to be either a 1 week or 2 weeks. If the flushing needs to be started in the middle between 1 and 2 weeks I am in trouble since I will not be avilable.
The problem is that I have not found any good post about how to know when to start the 10 day flushing of a stativa dominant strain. It needs to be done 10 days before harvest but how to know when you are 10 days away?

It would be great to know the progression in time about this tricomes. For example once you start seeing them white, who fast do they progress into 100% white and then into amber. I have seen some good picture on line but with very little detail on time line. At least that would allow you to bestimate a little.

How long is a normal harvest window for a Sativa?

Well anyway if you are still reading, thanks for your patience and support.

Hope all the best and a good grow! ;)

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately you are starting from a place of misinformation and hype. There are hundreds of threads concerning the flushing nonsense Good luck