When to add more nutrients?


Active Member
Ok so here is my soil mix

50% coconut coir
30% perlite
15% worm castings
5% bizz pre-mix

now this mix has good amounts of nutrients, but I’m guessing I should add more with time.
I understand high nitrogen in the veg stage and high phosphorus and potassium in flowering. But when should I add more nutrients? Once a week, 3 weeks in to the veg stage? Every other watering?

Can someone please clear this up for me. Thank you


Well-Known Member
Ok so here is my soil mix

50% coconut coir
30% perlite
15% worm castings
5% bizz pre-mix

now this mix has good amounts of nutrients, but I’m guessing I should add more with time.
I understand high nitrogen in the veg stage and high phosphorus and potassium in flowering. But when should I add more nutrients? Once a week, 3 weeks in to the veg stage? Every other watering?

Can someone please clear this up for me. Thank you
okay green, you start to add nutes with your mix not before the end of week 3, and then you start with highly diluted nutes only. from that day you nute with every watering you make, so watch out that it is neither to strong dosed nor pH'ed wrong! also the EC/PPM is critical but since you on soil go with the values the manufacture gives you, so follow the grow table minus 10-20% as a safeguard. i would recommend you to use a bigger brand name developed especially for the needs of cannabis, i can personally recommend hesi and biobizz which are both excellent dutch brands with more then reasonable price tags for the value. a bottle each, one veg & one flower, gets you thru 3 indoor soil grows normally;)