Active Member
Hi people I am just looking for some advice on a couple of things, I would be gratefull for any feedback. So I was given a clone about 5 weeks ago that had just started rooting so I put it in pot of soil in my tent under 250w light for first 2 weeks then 400w for the last 3 (I had light about a meter away at first but now I have lowered it to about 40 cm) and have been watering it with a+b feed like I was told to and also rhizo I also never had any air extraction out or air in for the first 3 weeks and kept the tent closed but then I learned that you can have tent open during lights on so I leave tent door open a bit now and have extraction fan and filter setup, I am also waiting for a clip on oscilating fan to be delivered so that should be setup for tomorrow so do you think I should re-pot now and if so what size pot? and also I have been worried it might have root rot with there only being 4 tiny holes in bottom of pot until I cut some holes myself in the sides of it, so do you think it looks healthy? (It is 10 inches tall now)