When should i put my plants in bloom?!


Well-Known Member
seriously, people say i can bloom "whenever i want" man i got like 4 sets of leaves right now...i doubt i can trick em into bloomin this early. or can i? when is optimal for blooming?

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
more info please
What strain, how many watts, MH or HPS
What grow method? DWC, soil ?
How long has it vegged for?

Do you have a pic?


Active Member
I believe most say minimum of 3 to 4 nodes, some say wait till they show sex. If you want to flower early theres no harm you will just get a smaller plant.


Well-Known Member
its WW, im using 2 21 W, 1 18 and one big 125 bluelight . all of them CFL's.
i just put em in a pot with soil and placed em in my closet with a fan blowing mildy .
im not sure about the veg time, but i guess about 3 weeks tops. absolute tops


this can vary alot, forced flowering can really stress out the plants and cause the dreaded HERMS!!
plants can double in size during flowering so it can depend on space.

i have done this a few times, its not really effective if you started from seed and your plant is only a couple nodes tall.
dont expect much off a plant that is forced flowerd unless its a high yield

if you can veg them for 2 to 3 months....the sex of each plant will show then.
from there kill off the males and focus on a main female as a mother plant...

good cutting can yeild more then a forced flowered plant

but i would wait atleast 2months before going to a 12/12 light cycle


Active Member
u owen them go for it ww is a shitie yeilder you could buy more bud withthe money the seeds cost not counting power nutes or enything else, do it right get yur moneys worth wait fuck head try some of the grow technquies lst, topping have fun enjoy it


Well-Known Member
aight, i will try some techniques and fuck around a little with my bigger plant :P so WW is a low yielder? that meens the shit wont stink as much right? less flowers = less stank?