when should i flower


hi guys i got a question when should i start to flower my plant..im growing it of hydroponics and its about 13 inch

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
LOL! Yes, today is the day you start to flower. It will double or even triple in size so it proboly ganna be atleast 3 Ft. Good luck..


Well-Known Member
LOL! Yes, today is the day you start to flower. It will double or even triple in size so it proboly ganna be atleast 3 Ft. Good luck..

this is true for the most part. but not all strains double in size. to answer your question, you can begin to flower whenever you want. most people start at 12"


Well-Known Member
The plant will tell you when it's ready to flower by showing preflowers I don't understand why people like flowering immature plants I like quality and quanity and you get both when you don't rush things


Well-Known Member
Yeah add it to whatever lights your already using just don't put it so close to the plant the light is warm on your hand


Well-Known Member
just because it doesnt show preflower. does not mean your plant is not ready to flower. ive had plants that didnt show preflowers till 15 inches,..scrog? is a great example shorter plants..still produce.

yeah you can use a 150 hps. remember more light the better though


Well-Known Member
Plants show preflowers when they are mature if room isn't an issue like it is for most of these closet/tent growers I would wait and a little plant under a 150 won't produce as much as a mature plant under a 150 and if it's not showing preflowers it's not mature some plants show preflowers at 16" some at 20 some at 24 depending
on the strains maturity rate if your growing some sort of kush they show preflowers at a young age some sort of hybrid at a older age