When should i begin to give nutes to my clone?

Smokin Thunder

Active Member
Hello to all the growing gurus!!! I'm on my first grow and my girl is doing great so i decided about 1 month ago to clone my baby. I took a bit but the 2 out of my 3 clone died and 1 took root and it looking great! My questions to you all is when should i begin to give my clone nutes? Hope all your grows are going great and thanks in advance :joint:


Active Member
i give my clone nutes as soon as i see roots. once it has roots, its a growing plant that needs some food! very little though...


Well-Known Member
Smokin Thunder,

Welcome to the world of cannabis horticulture! The basic guide, as laid out by Jorge Cervantes in "Marijuana Horticulture," to awnser this would say to wait ~3 weeks after clone takes root. In this stage the plant is basically in a "germination" stage (creating new root system) which takes about 2-3 weeks. After this begins the vegitative stage (for about 4-8 weeks), this is the time when you can begin to give your plants ferts. However I began to give my clones fish emulsion 2 weeks after cloning.

Hope this helped, keep us posted.

:peace: BlessAmerica