when does it stop growing?


Active Member
hi all,

ive been into 12/12 for over a week, its starting to sex but i'd like to know, when does my plant stop growing? its about 12" tall now, its showing signs on the last two nodes, but it keeps getting taller, my 125w cfl is about 1-2" to the plant, so when will it stop and put the effort in flowering?


Well-Known Member
It will stop growing when it's done in about 2 months. You should expect your plants size to double or triple during flowering.


Active Member
cheers dude. so does that mean it'll keep growing taller and new growth even though it's goin through the flowering stage? if so, i don't want it that big, this is my first grow and i wanted to keep it small, so i knew for my next one i knew what i was doing, would it have been best to 12/12 from the start?


Well-Known Member
sounds like you may have to do some unplanned training
depends on strain, but your plant will likely hit at least 3 feet


Well-Known Member
depends if you're growing from clone or seed
i just vegged a northern lights to 5 inches, it finished at 29 inches
i think many indicas will hit 3 feet from seed without any training
a few don't, but they're the squat ones


Active Member
the plant will do the bulk of its stretching the first 2-3 weeks of flowering. Week 4 and 5 is when you will start to see buds forming up. The first 2-3 weeks of flowering is the most crucial to manipulate your plants by bending/tying down to ensure they do not stretch as much. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
hi all,

ive been into 12/12 for over a week, its starting to sex but i'd like to know, when does my plant stop growing? its about 12" tall now, its showing signs on the last two nodes, but it keeps getting taller, my 125w cfl is about 1-2" to the plant, so when will it stop and put the effort in flowering?
Yor plant will stop it's vertical growth after about three weeks, after that, it's all bud developement!!!


Active Member
what type of training do i need to do?
One common method that I find to work well, is just to tie down toward the top of the plant to encourage a more horizontal growth. That also tends to make the branches right themselves upward, so you get many 'top' shoots. You can use any variation of the method to suit your plant, as well as available space and light.
Just make sure that you don't damage the stalk by tying something too thin and tight. Whatever you use, it can be modified as the plant grows, and eventually you may remove it, when you have the plant the way you want.