When do you consider the start of vegging?


Okay so my blueberry plant is now a week and 4 days old (From sprout). This isn't necessarily a question about my plant but more of a question in general I guess, which is, when do you consider the start of vegetation?
This is my first grow so I'm not actually quite sure. Here's a pic of mine, would you consider that in veg state or is it still to early? It's 4.3 inches tall and is on its 3rd node, 4th node has begin growing but too small to see on camera. (Sorry if the photo's show up sideways.)
Oh and by the way if this is a noobie question then don't be surprised because i'm exactly that but is it normally for new leaves to form at the base of nodes, you should be able to see what im on about in the middle picture.
Anyway thanks if you help


Well-Known Member
It starts when it emerges as a seedling. Keep in mid the longer you veg a plant the greater the yield will be. Those who can force themsleves to let a plant veg for 2 months, in a general time frame, will be greatly rewarded for that wait.

Don't believe the plant will double or triple in size once put under 12/12 as that depends on when it's put under. If vegged for 2 months I can promise it won't. But that's because it will be that size without the stretch and with more vegetation. Your choice. Bud quicker or more bud.

More bud = longer veg times.


Well-Known Member
Okay so my blueberry plant is now a week and 4 days old (From sprout). This isn't necessarily a question about my plant but more of a question in general I guess, which is, when do you consider the start of vegetation?
This is my first grow so I'm not actually quite sure. Here's a pic of mine, would you consider that in veg state or is it still to early? It's 4.3 inches tall and is on its 3rd node, 4th node has begin growing but too small to see on camera. (Sorry if the photo's show up sideways.)
View attachment 2448613View attachment 2448612View attachment 2448611
Oh and by the way if this is a noobie question then don't be surprised because i'm exactly that but is it normally for new leaves to form at the base of nodes, you should be able to see what im on about in the middle picture.
Anyway thanks if you help
i consider veg the first set of pot leaves. the two little small leaves that stick out first (i forget the proper name) isnt where i consider veg to begin. i consider it the first set of big leves. so yes id consider yours in veg.

but technically its in veg soon as it pops up i guess.


Well-Known Member
It starts when it emerges as a seedling. Keep in mid the longer you veg a plant the greater the yield will be. Those who can force themsleves to let a plant veg for 2 months, in a general time frame, will be greatly rewarded for that wait.

Don't believe the plant will double or triple in size once put under 12/12 as that depends on when it's put under. If vegged for 2 months I can promise it won't. But that's because it will be that size without the stretch and with more vegetation. Your choice. Bud quicker or more bud.

More bud = longer veg times.
this was a perfect response.

i agree completely. the stretch is usually most obvious when you do 12/12 from seed or have a short veg. from my experience as well the long i let the plant veg...the less noticeable the stretch is.

and to add to it i'd like to say ive noticed that a 30-day veg is pretty middle of the road in terms of stretching. its the best compromise between amount of stretch/length of veg time.


Well-Known Member
I see you using a clear cup. I hope you have dark sleeves over them. Can cause issues. I read someplace up to 2 weeks seedling stage followed by Veg. You can really call it veg. if they dont have leaves. This really makes no difference to me. Veg. 4-6 weeks topping plants along the way. Clone the tops etc. Clones can go in when rooted as a rule..... Veg. till they are 1 foot tall. Specially if you dont know the strain and how big it will grow.


Well-Known Member
this all depends on what you using the info for?
if its flowering time it dont matter when you call it flip it when you need to all strains react different
if its to push max lumens or nutes in veg probs wait until you see true leafs before increasing the light

there come a point when more veg wont give you more yield indoor as pot bound issues and light comes into play there's no absolutes here and also growing techniques such as sog and scrog will effect this timing as well

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
this all depends on what you using the info for?
if its flowering time it dont matter when you call it flip it when you need to all strains react different
if its to push max lumens or nutes in veg probs wait until you see true leafs before increasing the light

there come a point when more veg wont give you more yield indoor as pot bound issues and light comes into play there's no absolutes here and also growing techniques such as sog and scrog will effect this timing as well
Lumens are what the human eye sees, plants do not use Lumens for photosynthesis.


Well-Known Member
par watts then but no one works in them
dont be a plum allot of grow books still have light recommendations in lumens the point is still the same