When Do I Use This?


Well-Known Member
I have Banana Peels, Egg Shells and Potato Peelings.

Going to boil all this up and put Worm Castings in making a Tea.

Wondering when I should put this on. Last watering Monday they were fed.

Got 3 Autos be ready about a month. 3 Photos just starting to Bloom and 3 going to flip in a month.
Well I looked at it and it had some mold I wasn't going to chance it so dumped it.

I did water and use some Molasses.
Found me some Pallets to make Compost Bins.

Good place to put old Soil and Trimmings. Thinking of getting a cutter to do Leaves and small Limbs. Plus I have Wood Ash.

Cut 4 Trees for Greenhouse.
Boiling compost? I never even thought of it. U do a compost heap outside
and get the cleanest, freshest smelling black compost. Makes lawn and veggies happy, anyway.
Dunno for sure, but molasses might promote gnats.

There is a Guy on Internet is saying he uses Molasses each watering. I tried it and yes had problem with Gnats but I was also using soil that set open on my Deck so ????

Many bring up Molasses every so often and it has made Buds different.

Also Bugs seem to be part of everything in warm weather, matter of being vigilant.