When do I harvest? Pictures included

First time growing. Outdoors gorilla style. Can anyone tell me when I should harvest? The big leaves have started turning yellow and brown the past few weeks. Because it is my first time growing I am unsure if the buds are ready or are still growing.
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First time growing. Outdoors gorilla style. Can anyone tell me when I should harvest? The big leaves have started turning yellow and brown the past few weeks. Because it is my first time growing I am unsure if the buds are ready or are still growing.
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shes lookin good, if this is in a guerilla spot I would say go ahead and chop she wont pack on too much more bud but rippers are out and about and so are pests and rains that could wash off a lot of your valuable trichomes.

most of the fans are gone so she has only a week or 2 left out there anyhow.
Thanks for the advice. I wasn't sure if the bud looks developed or big enough, if I cut it now if the potency will be weak or if I wait to long the buds will get damaged, wasn't sure what stage I was at.
I will wait another week or 2. where I live the heat is still 32, summer beach heat, but I know it could rain out of the blue
Look at the pistils in the pics. They are white and relatively straight. When it's ready they will be orange and curled up. If you see a lot of white then it's probably not ready. Figure ten weeks since you first saw flowers.

I'm envious though. I have always wanted to do a gorilla grow. There is something so stressful yet cool about it :)