When defining a plants age...


Active Member
do you start day 1 as when you first germinated them; or when you planted them after germination?


Well-Known Member
i start day one from when i see the first bit of green poke up through the soil.


Well-Known Member
What about flower, when the first hairs show or when you switch the lights, mine took 3 weeks to show sex, female, but was just 4 days ago, so is it 25 days or 4 days flower.....makes a bit of difference i'd say....


Well-Known Member
Well i gotta while left, hehe so 25 days into flower, man i'm gonna be looking at around 60-80 i'd say till its done i guess, random bagseed, no clue genetics but leaves look to possibly be leaning to sativa, though longer node lengths are a little on the low end.