When can I put my plant outside


New Member
I’m new here and I started my arora Indica on June 7, it is now June 29 when can I put it outside. Im a Quadriplegic Injury level c5 c6 I have one growing now but it is in a space that is not accessible to me so I have to get someone to handle that one but I want to be able to grow this one on my own can anyone give me some advice


Well-Known Member
I’m new here and I started my arora Indica on June 7, it is now June 29 when can I put it outside. Im a Quadriplegic Injury level c5 c6 I have one growing now but it is in a space that is not accessible to me so I have to get someone to handle that one but I want to be able to grow this one on my own can anyone give me some advice
You should be good anytime after it stops freezing. Be sure to check average freeze dates for your area and match strains flowering times.


Well-Known Member
We need more info to really help you out. What part of the world are you in. What are you starting from seed or clone? What's your plan as far as growing, are you using a pot or putting it into the ground. Also if you have the plant already, did you start it indoors or has it always been outside?

Plants started indoors need to be hardened off before being tossed into full sun outdoors. The natural sun is far more intense than any artificial light by a long shot. Give us as much info as you can so we can help you out as accurately as possible.