When can I flower?


Well-Known Member
2 more months to go ^_^
They look very healthy too, I don't see any stretching at all. Give it 2 more months they should be tall enough then.


Well-Known Member
mine was veggin for 3 months and it got to be around 2.5 feet. So yes, 3 months. It sounds like a long time, but it will go by very fast.


Well-Known Member
How tall are your plants now? You're going to flower in 18 days? With your plants as small as they are? Your plants look healthy, but I don't think they are any where near maturity yet. Oh well, do what you wish I hope it turns out well for you.


Active Member
You can flower those whenever you want, they look good and healthy. It really just depends you much yield you're looking for. Generally speaking, more veg = more bud.

I've read many posts on this site where people have gone to flower much sooner than you, some even almost as soon as the seeds pop.



Active Member
As far as yield, it's hard to tell, but not much given the size of the plants. That's probably why people are telling you to veg for more time.
