When bud goes bad: Mouldy marijuana recalled in B.C. after multiple complaints


Well-Known Member
An Ontario recall on mouldy marijuana has been extended to the Province of British Columbia.

Now, the distributer advises that if you are in possession of B.E.C. Lot 4B2L3, you should return it through the Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS) or British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch (BCLDB). As such, this will be the first time that the province has ever had a recreational marijuana recall.


in hand a grinder to grind marijuana weed / Shutterstock
The voluntary recall was triggered by consumer complaints to the Ontario Cannabis Store.

“Over the course of the past five days, five complaints were received that a product contained mould. The five complaints were related to “B.E.C. Lot 4B2L3,” of which we shipped 13,344 units,” states RedeCan Pharm, the Ontario Cannabis producer.

Mouldy Marijuna Recall
The company adds that any mouldy product should not be consumed. With that being said, if you do consume it and fall ill, contact your doctor immediately.

“This cannabis product was grown, produced and packaged at our facilities in Pelham, Ontario. Prior to shipment, this product lot was rigorously inspected and tested by an independent third-party lab to meet the regulatory requirements set out by Health Canada,” explains RedeCan.

“Product was then packed in a secure facility under sanitary conditions and sealed through the lid of a closed container with an induction seal.”

As such, this will be the first time that the province has ever had a recreational marijuana recall.
...and its only been 6 weeks....hahahahahaha.....
“Product was then packed in a secure facility under sanitary conditions and sealed through the lid of a closed container with an induction seal.”
...and yet somehow mould magically appeared...hahaha...sanitary conditions...it's a fucking plant...
Here's a crazy idea...pkg the product in a breathable container so it don't fucking mold! They're too worried about retaining the packaged weight - Grams = Profit. By sealing it in airtight containers, that moisture is trapped and will cause mold. If they want to sell the product by weight, it needs to packaged it when it is purchased by the consumer. Hopefully they will lose millions before they figure that out!
Here's a crazy idea...pkg the product in a breathable container so it don't fucking mold! They're too worried about retaining the packaged weight - Grams = Profit. By sealing it in airtight containers, that moisture is trapped and will cause mold. If they want to sell the product by weight, it needs to packaged it when it is purchased by the consumer. Hopefully they will lose millions before they figure that out!
Boveda 2 way moisture packs. I guess an extra 0.65$ would be too much to add to the costs. Despite the MASSIVE waste in packaging costs.