What's your take?? More food??


Well-Known Member
Hi guys 2 days from end of week 4 this issue has just started last couple of days but is moving fast. Gorilla skittles & bubba Kush in soil under 2 600w hps & a small led have been light on feeds getting it roughly every 6 days & water on 3rd day in bewteen however they are decent size & have not had burnt tips so leaning towards they may be hungry. run these strains last round with no issues at all however they were quite a bit smaller.



Well-Known Member
They look too green to be hungry to me. Not so sure what you got going on there but I’d guess a little bit too much of something. You said you’re in soil? How and what you been feeding them.


Well-Known Member
using goliath nutes quite new to this product does certainly seems a lot higher than what i use to use general A + B 7ml litre and there is a veg & flower booster. they start at 3ml & work way up to 9ml late flower i was feeding 3 quarter strength once a week every couple of weeks swapping that out for thrive blood & bone. have dropped down to half strength nutes with pk booster & canna boost. water dry, feed dry schedule at the mo. getting some purpling bewteen the veins now. they don't seem to be to bad for 7 days on


Well-Known Member
yea leaning towards that as i have feed twice since this post nothing seems to have gotten worse besides the purple on a few leaf's fingers crossed. seem to be filling out alright