Nutty sKunK
Well-Known Member
Mine had to be on LSD when I kept on realising that it's always now and 'now' became funny. Boy that lasted a while...
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almost falling out of a hot tub. cn
Me and my two best friends were parked in a neighborhood by my house. We were all high as hell on LSD. We all saw the same floating talking head on some ones lawn and we all began laughing hysterically. Then my friend in the back seat starts to spell sound something out as if trying to read a hard word. ''Sh--- Sh---err----- sherrr---- shhherrrrr ---iiiiffff.' He finally says 'Sheer Reef.' ' SHeeerrr reeeeff? WTF?! YOU MEAN SHERIFF? holy shit me and my other friend thought and we looked at what he was looking at. It was a parked sherif car about 5 houses in front of us. It was just a sherif deputy's car that lived in the neighborhood. But it was the funniest thing ever to listen to someone so gone on Acid try and spell sheriff.Mine had to be on LSD when I kept on realising that it's always now and 'now' became funny. Boy that lasted a while...
What's yours?
I went on a 6hr drive to Lollapalooza with some friends in two cars, back in the early 90's. We dropped acid before leaving. About half way we passed a Rez and we got some fireworks (illegal, giant fireworks. Pop bottle rockets the size of a roll of quarters and a two foot stick kinda fireworks). I was driving and my passenger rolls down the window and starts lighting these things holding them toward our friends ahead of us. Sparks were flying in his face and my car. These things were leaving us at 65mph and traveling towards my friends ahead of us. They were popping perfectly around his windows. After about 3 of these, the guys in front started shooting roman candles back at us. We were in two big 4x4s, and all over the road trying to avoid the artillary. Cars ahead were pulling off the road. Thank god we did not get pulled over!!!!
I attempted to share a story but I have too many , thanks to my friends who followed the Dead ! They sent me pages of LSD and I ate half of them lmfao.
What happened to the other half?
Carrying on a conversation with an empty chair for over hour....mmm peyote
Yeah I remember days like that. Come on chairs are people too yanno![]()
Yeah I remember days like that. Come on chairs are people too yanno![]()