whats your choice?


Active Member
so if you guys had to chose what would you do?? I am on the fence with how I should do my flowering lights.... I have a dr100L grow tent. its roughly 3x3x6 I have 6 OG Kush going well right now. They are only about a week old sprouted. I want to get a 400 watt HPS system for in there.

My question.... If I get a 400 watt do I need to get a cool tube or a air cooled hood?? what are the difference if I use them or not?? would I just need more exhaust to keep temps down?? Or what??

I have around $300 left for the project and I just need to know if i should get a cool tube.....what kind of fans should I use....

I'll leave it to the experts......thanks guys in advance