What's wrong?!


Active Member
My boyfriend and I started growing indoors over a month ago. We got a 2-bulb fluorescent light fixture which uses the energy efficient kind of lights. We have the plant in a white bath tub so that the light is even more reflective, and there is a window right next to it and we keep the curtains open whenever we can during the day. We used an organic potting soil and have only moved the plant once from a small styrofoam cup to a larger pot once. We use filtered water and water the plant roughly every other day. Recently, the leaves toward the bottom really started curling down and seem very lifeless. The top of the plant seems ok, but none of it looks strong by any means and we really don't know what's wrong. This is our first time growing and we didn't really read as much as we should have before we started. We just started with one plant, though we have lots more seeds, just to get some practice before we really start growing like we want to.

Another problem we have is that we're about to move next weekend, does anyone have any suggestions for how to safely and securely move the plant?



Well-Known Member
light is too far?? too much water?? not enough water??

flouro lights should be like 4 inches from the top of the plant
is there good drainage did your roots look white when you transplanted
i water when the soil is dry over water and under water will cause similar problems like drooping. also you should be feeding them i reccomend fish fertilizer.