What's wrong with my plants?


i have 4 outdoor autoflowers, two are looking healthy but two are turning white, curling up and dying. Can anyone please tell me what's going on here? Am I going to have to chop these two early?



Do you have a source of calcium in your soil or feed?
Yes, I've been using advanced nutrients calmag. And they're planted in foxfarm ocean forest soil. Maybe I haven't been giving them enough calmag? Today I fed approx. 1.5ml per plant. Last time I fed calmag was a little over a week ago. Thanks for your reply!


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have a heavy case of "Thrips". You're going to need to try to kill them. They are devouring everything.


The other plant is recovering after more calmag, it was too late to save the other, though :(
Harvested 97 grams wet off the autoflower real early, doesn't look like terrible bud though. Will post pics after drying lol.