What's wrong with my plants?


Well-Known Member
Got these plants in rockwool on Monday. Since then they have started turning yellow/brown from bottom up. They had little dots on leaves, I'm pretty sure spidermites, but I sprayed and that seems to be gone. But the leaves aren't getting worse so I'm not sure.

-I give them each about 8oz of water per day, plus a light misting on the leaves once in between.
-Transplanted into 1 part miracle gro seedling mix, 2 parts topsoil
-No nutrients yet
-temps around 79-82
-humidity 40-47%

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Well-Known Member
Multi nutrient lockout due to PH problems. Hydro works best 5.8-6.0. Usually PH problems occur when higher then 7. Since you have some soil in there too, i'd probably aim for 6.2-6.4.


Well-Known Member
I tested ph, right at neutral, if not a very small amount lower. and as i mentioned I havent fed them yet, thought it might burn them. I added a small amount of 12-10-5 to the soil and watered thoroughly, I guess we'l see how they look tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
yeah man thats a bad case of spider mites. u should be spraying every day so u kill the ones hatching from eggs. are u spraying underneath the leaves aswell?where did u get the plants from?are the left outside at all still ?


Well-Known Member
I got them from a hydroponic shed setup. He said he's battled bugs before but had none in this batch supposedly. I saw no signs of them where I grabbed them from so I'm not sure where they came from. I spray Joy soap on them every day and just picked up some neem oil to alternate. I haven't seen any new damage so I think I got them for now, just maintain for new ones like you said. Thanks! I'm still worried about the curling/browning though


Well-Known Member
So again, the spider mites don't seem to still be around. I'm going to continue spraying every 2-3 days to avoid them coming back. But the leaves are still getting worse. It's gotta be something nutrient related and I'm starting to panic a little bit. I fed them 2 days ago and no improvement.



Well-Known Member
I think you might be spraying too much...... When I have had spider mites I spray once a week.... And what dilution of joy soap are you using? You might be infecting your plants with soap....when I make home made insect soap, I use very little soap....and neem oil should be done every 1 to 2 weeks.... It sucks to say but I would strat fresh


Well-Known Member
I put 1 tsp per 32oz of joy soap. and 1/2 tsp per 32oz for neem oil. I sprayed every day for 3 days, I started spraying every other day. I'll slow down on the spraying and let them work on recovering.


Well-Known Member
So again, the spider mites don't seem to still be around. I'm going to continue spraying every 2-3 days to avoid them coming back. But the leaves are still getting worse. It's gotta be something nutrient related and I'm starting to panic a little bit. I fed them 2 days ago and no improvement.

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this is why it's great to come to these websites before you make dumb purchases.
Joy dish soap isn't anything you use to kill spidermites.
It's a surfacant or whatever for the neem oil.
And if you're spraying on the daily, no no.
Neem oil you need to be using right before lights off and you want to get them covered with it cause you wont be using it for 3-4 days after that.
And make sure you read the bottle six times to make sure you're watering it down enough.
I plugged up my plant cause of too much neem, stuned it, and now am probably stuck with like a half zip off of it.


Well-Known Member
I did a decent amount of reading before picking up either, and the consensus from a few people seemed to be that more is better. Thanks for the correction though I'll slow down and see what happens. And youre saying I should mix the joy in with neem oil?


Out of the 18 ladies I have in flowering now 1 of them was stunted early on during veg. At the time I didnt know how to correct it. I use a drip system so technicaly they are all recieving the same nutrients. Testing the run off showed that it was VERY acidic. How acidic I cant say. I use the bottle pH solution tha can be bought from walmart. The acidic level was yellow ( at or below 5.8, but whom can tell how acidic somthing is if you cant test within those ranges.

Test the run off, always a good place to start.


Hey, i need some help, this is my first time grow. it been growing good untill i noticed that a few of the bottom leaves started to get brown spots on the tips, very small but then as time went on it dried out the leaf and turned it yellow and crackly. The top portion of the plant seems healthy. is this nute burn? or something else. please lemme no so i can do something to fix it asap. Anything helps. Thanks
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Well-Known Member
Firstly, thanks for the thread jack. Second, if you want advice youre going to need to give more background info ie temp/humidity, feed schedule, water schedule, age, medium, etc.


3 weeks old,
watering with 1/4 g of 30-10-10 hi nitro PETERS per liter,
temp is 28 Cº, and max 34 Cº,
Humity is 45%, to 60% acording to the day,
Feed schedule?
Growing with soil : 40% humus, 30% perlite, 30% vermiculite

I accidently burned them 1 week ago, then they burned some leafs so i stoped with the nute and start to use just water, so in first it seems that was a nutrient burn ,
but it didint get better with time, so i take the pics TODAY, because the leafs started to get on bottom yellow, and under purple, then all the leaf gets brown and dri out,


Well-Known Member
I wasn't saying post all your details in here bro I was suggesting starting your own thread so I can get answers in my thread and you get answers in yours.


but i need help,
i plant 4 seeds 4 weeks ago,
3 Straberrys Cogh and 1 Burmeese Kush,
then they started to grow , ans 2 weeks later i add some nutrients [PETERS HI NITRO 30-10-10]

I accidently burned them 1 week ago, then they burned some leafs, so , i stoped with the nute and start to use just water,
in first it seems that was a nutrient burn ,
then it passed 2 weeks but it didint get better with time, the leaves are still getting sick , so i take the pics TODAY, because the leafs started to get on bottom yellow, and under purple, then all the leaf gets brown and dry out,