Whats wrong with my plants??? Yellowing leaves/brown spots?! Pics included

Hello...First time grower here again....

My plants are in their 6th week of flowering, and up until now, they all looked very beautiful and healthy....Now most of them have yellowing leaves, and 2 of them have brown spots on their leaves. Most of the brown spots are on the leaves that are yellowing. The fertilizer I give them is Dyna grow Bloom 3-12-6. I thought at first that I was over-watering, so I gave them a day or two to 'dry out', then started watering again, but they just look worse now. The leaves yellow, and then fall off. Am I not giving enough nutes?? I really dont think im OVER nute-ing it....I have 12 gallons of water, and only put about 1 tbsp in. I was told to put way under what it says to do....so is this showing me I need more??

I'm really sorry...I did try to look up other pics of what people had, but I just couldnt find a situation like mine. The water PH is about 6.8.

The first three pictures are of my best plant...a white widdow clone....and the next three are of just a random other plant I have. Most the other plants dont look as bad as these two, they just have really yellowing leaves.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! They're sooo close to being done, and I dont want them to die, or get some disease now!!! :-(



Active Member
My opinion at a glance is that you need a touch of N nitrogen on em'.
good luck

Pale/yellow leaves=Nitrogen def. Common in late stages of flower.


Well-Known Member
Hey. I grow with Dynagro. you are using 1/4 of the recommended dosage and marijuana easily takes the full recommendation on the bottle. Hydro, soil, you name it, Dynagrow is concentrated, but it doesn't burn plants; use the full applied rate. Yours are starved for everything. I'm not sure if they'll end up very fat being they are pretty far along in flower anyway. Have you seen this chart? This is what you should be doing with Dynagro. The soil schedule is at the bottom of the page.
