Whats Wrong with my plant!!!! please help!


Active Member
Ok so im about 3 weeks from harvest i think ... and im noticing 1 of my 2 plants is doing something strange at the budding site... instead of forming into nice tight buds like my other plant its growing like arms or like little branch's off of the bud not sure how to really explain it but look at the pics and let me know what you thinkIMAG0293.jpgIMAG0292.jpgIMAG0291.jpgIMAG0290.jpgIMAG0289.jpg


Well-Known Member
It is called foxtailing

EDIT: IT comes down to genetics or some say to much potassium in nuts can cause it. Quality is debatable but it will be a good smoke still

EDIT again: heat can cause this too. thanx scroglodyte u r amazing and knowledge warehouse :)


Active Member
ok but is that bad?... i mean all the little tails are loaded with trichomes and there all moving along the same path as my other plant there all milky color'd and some are starting to turn amber .. how will this effect me at harvest time?

kbo ca

Active Member
damn lanky sativas. Some just grow like this, the buds most likely won't get dense, they will remain wispy.