What’s wrong with my plant 3rd week of flower


Well-Known Member
What’s wrong I fed it three days ago and it went wrong from there


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Dude we need way more info. Stop wasting peoples time.

Nutrients used?
Pot size?
Watering frequency?

Seriously if you cant give details, dont fucking bother.
Light says 1000w on Amazon on the actual light says 150w water when the pot is light so every 3-4 days ph is 6.4 pot size 5gal fox farm soil using fox farm trip for nutes
Light says 1000w on Amazon on the actual light says 150w water when the pot is light so every 3-4 days ph is 6.4 pot size 5gal fox farm soil using fox farm trip for nutes
Id bet its nutrient burn. WHAT DID YOU FEED IT?

Come on man. You say you fed it 3 days ago and now it looks like this. Yet you dont tell us what you fed it even after you were asked once. This might not be the forum for you.
Light says 1000w on Amazon on the actual light says 150w water when the pot is light so every 3-4 days ph is 6.4 pot size 5gal fox farm soil using fox farm trip for nutes
hey bud, thanks for the info.
disregard the first comments... this forum has really taken a turn for the worse lately.

so bad news.... thats pretty severe damage, you should have got ahead of it when it started.

good news is , its not going to die if you take care of it.

I cant guarantee what the issue is because youve provided so little info but if you elaborate we can narrow it down and figure it out.

my guess is your feeding it too much..... fox farms soil is really hot you dont even need to feed for weeks and weeks of growing. try reducing your feeding to 1/8 strength and water till you get about 20% runoff as normal.

one more thing! your already like 2 weeks into flower so youll probably just finish this run out but just so you know your yields will be heavily effected by this... sorry... just how it is.... your yield will be shit but youll have bud lol

again idk what the exact issue is... to me it looks like maybe your tds is really high overall but if you can tell us some more info or give us some pics we can really zero in on the issue
You are saying the same fucking thing I said.
thats why I liked your post..... and then I elaborated..
this is exactly wtf i mean? why are you being confrontational when I literally just fucking agreed with you? fuck dude! does every single person on this fucking site have little dick syndrome???? its insane!!!!!
i fucking agreed with you and you want smoke!!! this shit is nuts

grow tf up
thats why I liked your post..... and then I elaborated..
this is exactly wtf i mean? why are you being confrontational when I literally just fucking agreed with you? fuck dude! does every single person on this fucking site have little dick syndrome???? its insane!!!!!
i fucking agreed with you and you want smoke!!! this shit is nuts

grow tf up
lol my bad. Just extra irritated he didnt answer my question the first time. I read the "dont mind the previous posts" part of what you said and kind of got tunnel vision.
lol my bad. Just extra irritated he didnt answer my question the first time. I read the "dont mind the previous posts" part of what you said and kind of got tunnel vision.
i overreacted too lmao I get on noobz helmets sometimes... but its not right man lol theyre just learnin
my bad
Id bet its nutrient burn. WHAT DID YOU FEED IT?

Come on man. You say you fed it 3 days ago and now it looks like this. Yet you dont tell us what you fed it even after you were asked once. This might not be the forum for you.

If you're gunna use this as a place to vent your anger in your life maybe it isn't the forum for you?

Holy fuck, guys asking for help. If you don't want to help, go away...
hey bud, thanks for the info.
disregard the first comments... this forum has really taken a turn for the worse lately.

so bad news.... thats pretty severe damage, you should have got ahead of it when it started.

good news is , its not going to die if you take care of it.

I cant guarantee what the issue is because youve provided so little info but if you elaborate we can narrow it down and figure it out.

my guess is your feeding it too much..... fox farms soil is really hot you dont even need to feed for weeks and weeks of growing. try reducing your feeding to 1/8 strength and water till you get about 20% runoff as normal.

one more thing! your already like 2 weeks into flower so youll probably just finish this run out but just so you know your yields will be heavily effected by this... sorry... just how it is.... your yield will be shit but youll have bud lol

again idk what the exact issue is... to me it looks like maybe your tds is really high overall but if you can tell us some more info or give us some pics we can really zero in on the issue
I kinda lost my little ml syringe so I used a dropper which most likely wasn’t accurate .. so mostly I’m thinking it’s over fed I’m gonna flush it and just feed bloom soon after and once I get a new ml dropper I just beat nitrogen toxicity had to flush after that it was good and perfect. Here’s pics from a few days ago I’ve never had a plant go in flower but I’ve grown before so this is tricky for because Ik this is the sensitive part of the grow and any harm can easily fuck up the yield I’m hoping for a quarter pound ... there’s a lot of budsites all over the breeder that I got the seeds from said he’s never seen the strain have so many buds ... that’s why I’m trying to fix this now


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lol my bad. Just extra irritated he didnt answer my question the first time. I read the "dont mind the previous posts" part of what you said and kind of got tunnel vision.
i overreacted too lmao I get on noobz helmets sometimes... but its not right man lol theyre just learnin
my bad

you guys just brought a tear to my eye. I applaud you for making it right. And too the OP you roasted your plant. Ease up on her
Hey Joe back off with the blow and try to have some manners... No offence dude.

Your plants will be ok after flush and reasonable nutrient regimen. You could buy cheap ec-meter to measure run off ec to know when to add more nutes.
I just flushed so she’s not so hot from the nutes will start back feeding just bloom and cal mag in a few days

I dont know the nutrient content of your soil ect, but you say you will continue to feed Bloom Nutrients, and Cal/Mag in a few days.. Ok.

Where's the Nitrogen, and how much???

Weed requires basically the same amount of Nitrogen, and is does Phosphorus, and weed likes 2x the amount of Potassium, as either Nitrogen, or Phosphorus.
Weed likes a 1-1-2 Ratio.

Going by tissue analysis, and hydro growing, weed likes a 19.5-20-39 formula, and the PPM varies. Thats basically a 1-1-2 ratio.

So if one has the soil in equilibrium with Organics, as long as there is adequate supplies of all nutrients, the plant will take what it needs.

But one can try and mix the soil ect to as close as possible to the correct ratio, and is the easiest way to feed the plants organically. And when you make teas, mix the correct ratios, and can use a small amount molasses to feed the microbes. No way Id pay for bottled nutes, when I can mix my own, and better ratios.

But back to the Bllom nutrients only.

All Nitrogen is, is PROTIEN.

When humans eat cheicken, or fish, any kind of meat, or beans and rice it contains Protein, and our bodies convert the Protein, into Nitrogen.

Nitrogen in Greek means basically it is the Most Important Macro Nutrient. All Metabolism, and Cell Division requires Protein. Also Immune Function..

The cutting of Nitrogen comes from the 80s, when people were giving their plants really high rates of Ammonium Nitrate 44-0-0, to make the plants get HUGE, but what they didnt realize to MUCH Nitrogen, and Incorrect Ratios WILL KEEP THE PLANTS FROM FLOWERING ALTOGETHER, or make them super leafy, take forever, and all kinds of unwanted happenings.

So it became a word of mouth myth to limit nitrogen during flowering. The plant will grow more, and produce more chemicals in flowering than any time during its life. Would you limit the Protein of a growing child?? Or if lifting weights, and exercising heavily?? No, of course not.

Id feed the plant a basic food with everything in it, with the closest to a 1-1-2 ratio as possible. Its all about balance. + Calcium, and magnesium. Mg is the #1 deficiency in container grown plants, and MJ is a HUGE consumer of Mg.
Id bet its nutrient burn. WHAT DID YOU FEED IT?

Come on man. You say you fed it 3 days ago and now it looks like this. Yet you dont tell us what you fed it even after you were asked once. This might not be the forum for you.

Maybe if you read he sais fox farm trio. Hes new. Assume he fed based on the bottles ratios.

Nutrient burn. Case closed.
hey bud, thanks for the info.
disregard the first comments... this forum has really taken a turn for the worse lately.

so bad news.... thats pretty severe damage, you should have got ahead of it when it started.

good news is , its not going to die if you take care of it.

I cant guarantee what the issue is because youve provided so little info but if you elaborate we can narrow it down and figure it out.

my guess is your feeding it too much..... fox farms soil is really hot you dont even need to feed for weeks and weeks of growing. try reducing your feeding to 1/8 strength and water till you get about 20% runoff as normal.

one more thing! your already like 2 weeks into flower so youll probably just finish this run out but just so you know your yields will be heavily effected by this... sorry... just how it is.... your yield will be shit but youll have bud lol

again idk what the exact issue is... to me it looks like maybe your tds is really high overall but if you can tell us some more info or give us some pics we can really zero in on the issue

Agreed. This forum is filled with 90% assholes who act like they were born knowing everything and shit in newbies like they were never new.

I remember when this forum had more helpful members instead of the "about a pound" trolls

I like overgrow a lot better.