What's wrong with my ladies? Yellowing + leaves curling UP some brown roots


Active Member
Ill start from the beginning

im using dr earths POTing soil
I mixed half dr e and half of last years re used fox farm soil. To try and prevent burning
After a few weeks of my seedlings vegging they started to yellow and die..
I realized they were out of N so I gave them cal mag and some fox farm grow big (very light dosage)

they have been wilting a lot even when moist..
i transplanted some of them and some roots were not white they were brown and seemed to be dying..
I was using tap right out the spicket except when adding nutes then I ph'd
i tested my tap water yesterday and it was 7.1
Then tested run off and got 7.3
i now will only water with ph tested water until this is fixed
since the transplant they are looking healthier and wilting less..

I appreciate any help I can get if you need more info let me know



Active Member
If you read my thread it ssays that the runoff was 7.3
what do you mean how am I watering?
im watering when they are dry.

Im confused by your question..


Active Member
If you read my thread it ssays that the runoff was 7.3
what do you mean how am I watering?
im watering when they are dry.

Im confused by your question..
You said your runoff is 7.3 but if you are measuring the water running out of the pots thats not right you need to measure the PH of the soil.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
if the roots look like there dying to you, they prob are. is there any way they could be rotting? hows drainage imo you could have more perlite/rocks in there...

is growth improving in new conditions??

im having to scan my head for what the leafs canooing like that is, for some reason my brains saying over fert....but i am well past baked....kinda crispy...


Active Member
Drainage is pretty good.. It drains fast in the cups I haven't done a full watering since the transplant..

conditions are improving since the transplant.

I would absolutely think it's not over fert. Because I haven't fed in at least a week or 2. And my feeding was tiny 1.5 cap fulls of ff grow big.. And like 3-5 ml of cal mag to a gallon.
+ a silica like 2ml

The up close pictures are the day of transplanting.. About 5 days ago for some of them
they do look better now ill post pics tomorrow
I would just like to figure out what it was.
my guess would be the mixture of the old soil and losing all mutes after a week or two after a feeding.