Whats Wrong W/ My Plants? Help! (Pics)


Active Member

I just got 4 clones 2 days ago. From what I was told they are about 3 weeks old. One, the afgoo, which is looking fine is about 6 inches tall. The other two (gods gift and OG Kush) about 5 inches & the widow about 3-4 inches tall. I'm growing them in my closet which is6x3 and has a fan running continuously during the light period with the doors open every once and a while, With the walls covered with aluminum foil. They've been watered once, about 24 fl/ounces each of distilled bottled water. I have sprayed them howver, with the same water about 6 times each since I've had them. I am using a 400 watt Hortilux Super HPS grow lamp. Which is about 20inches above the plants. They are currently running a 18hrs. light/6hrs. dark rotation. Just yesterday they were transported into bigger 10x10 inch pots with earth-grow organic soil cointaning; hynum peat, forest products or compost, sand, perlite and a wetting agent. I also mixed the pots 2/3 soil to 1/3 perlite. The perlite contains nutrients, but not enough to cause any nutrient burn.

The lower sun leaves on the kush and GG are yellow and looking dead and crumply. But the leaves and heads on top look very decent. The WW is the sadest looking, yellow and droopy from head to toe. I know they obstained some brutality when transporting and transplanting (so maybe they are just adapting to their new environment) but is there anything else anyone come up with to help me out?
First time INDO grower. Open to all opinions. Thanks Peace



Well-Known Member
oi mate, you need a thermomitor and take the tin foil out of there... looks to me like the temp is 100f+ in there.. you want temp to be 70-86 in you're night and lights on temps and 86 is HIGH temp... low eighty's is betta get a fan in there... buy some grow, micro, flower nutrients, add accordingly to the directions on the bottles... only use grow, micro and let em grow

you want some mylar foil mate, it is 90-95% reflective
tinfoil is only 70-75% its rubbish and it makes hotspots.


Well-Known Member
Open to all opinions. Thanks Peace
It's difficult to say what's wrong with them. It's probably a combination of things. Firstly, remove your tin foil and replace it with either some mylar or some flat matt white panels. Tin foil is a very poor reflector of light and fragments light all over the place when it's crumpled. Secondly, move your light up, 18 inches is far too intense for fragile clones, you need it at about 3 feet away and gradually lower it down every 3-4 days till it's about 2 feet above them. Thirdly lower leaves often go yellow on clones as they switch energy to root growth, particularly after they've been repotted into fresh soil.

In those pots you should be watering them about once every 3-4 days, ensure there's plenty of drainage, and allow about 20% run off out of the bottom of the pots. Feel the pot weight after you've watered them, after about 3-4 days the pot should feel 'light' that's the time to re-water them. marijuana doesn't like wet soggy soil.

Good luck with your clones.

[email protected]

Active Member
HELP. I'm a newbie and have 8 plants. They're about 6 inches high with leaves at the top two inches but I'm worried about the stem girth. It seems really small. I think I'm giving it way too much light. I look at the pictures on here and they're are ones like mi height but they're alot bushier. What can I do and are the stems normal. They look like a thick piece of speghetti noddle.


Well-Known Member
Tyler you should really start a new thread for an unrelated question. If your stem is weak try setting that plant into the flow of a fan (enough to make it wiggle but not blow over) This will force the plant to strengthen its stem without putting it in too much danger.


Well-Known Member
HELP. I'm a newbie and have 8 plants. They're about 6 inches high with leaves at the top two inches but I'm worried about the stem girth. It seems really small. I think I'm giving it way too much light. I look at the pictures on here and they're are ones like mi height but they're alot bushier. What can I do and are the stems normal. They look like a thick piece of speghetti noddle.
Sounds like you need to get a bit of a breeze on them from a small fan to help thicken the stems up. Outside in nature, they get plenty of breeze, so that's what you have to replicate indoors.


Active Member
HELP. I'm a newbie and have 8 plants. They're about 6 inches high with leaves at the top two inches but I'm worried about the stem girth. It seems really small. I think I'm giving it way too much light. I look at the pictures on here and they're are ones like mi height but they're alot bushier. What can I do and are the stems normal. They look like a thick piece of speghetti noddle.

If you're saying the stems look too thin for the height of the plants, then you're actually talking about not enough light, rather than too much light.


hey bro.In my humble opinion, id cut dead wieght off of spindly s'lings so they can put wk in wre needed. use of fan air on them stimulates solid stem girth or u could just gently bend'em few times each per day. The fan works well in my experience on s'ling. The other looks good to me. I personally wouldnt worry in case they weak plants, but ive seen em come back from worse!... and whats more is grown to be nice puff ") so if wot can be patient let em come back could be worth it. or rip out weak ones start again. just my opinion. ") puff puff give !