Whats wrong? pics hydro experts please!


Active Member
is have been dealing with problems from about day 20 its day 60 of veg and a couple of problems have came up.temp is around 78f humidity is 46%. most of the time my res temp is 72 although i jus took it outside of the room to cool it down now so now its 65 degrees. it is at 5.8 although recently it was fluctuating daily from 5.5 to 6.4
Pic 1 and2 are off a plant its fan leaves look really glossy and was wondering why that was.
pic 3 looks like a burn of some sort but the 400 w mh is 18 inches away.
pic 4 is a leaf i took off near the bottom of one of my plants. what kind of deficeincy is that?

:leaf: Rayman:leaf:



Well-Known Member
i'm kinda havin similar probs, altho i had a few fan leaves with spots like nute burn, i've since changed the res and just now started adding nutes again... i also have the glossy leaves at the top of my plants.

i'm lookin forward to an answer on this