Whats wrong here


These seedlings are almost 3 weeks old .. espoma organic soil .. phd water .. and no nuts yet.... hitting on 82 degrees in my tent..... humidity is low at like 20 percent but i know that is because I'm using solo cups now and when transferred to bigger pots the humidity will increase...... please tell me why they are wilting and yellowing



Well-Known Member
I know they're not very big but are they getting enough light ? Lower leaves can yellow out for that reason but not normally when they are that small. Its soon now that you can give em a small dose of whatever your favorite GROW nute is. They are still very much salvageable.

OR Stoner

A couple of things can cause this. If they are drying out too quickly. If they are root bound. If the soil is too hot (or just toxic from salt buildup). Wrong ph. Or if they lack food and need feeding. Are the yellow leaves getting soft and thin? Or do they get dry, brittle, and crumbly?


I gave them 1/8 of a teaspoon of fox farms ..... i want to be careful not to nute burn as that happened in my last grow... and nute burn or lockout is a nightmare... i have daylight cfos 6500k bulbs .......probably 17,000 lumens or about 350 watts i think .... temps are getting a lil warm at 85 degrees but i have 2 fans for this 4x2 ft area ..plus passive intake with 190 cfm inline fan exhaust


Well-Known Member
Buy a humidifier. 20%... Secure your grow room before anything else? That should be under control. Bigger pots wont raise the rl as you would need! Fans blowing on leaves exposed to 20% rh might do that too.

OR Stoner

Buy a humidifier. 20%... Secure your grow room before anything else? That should be under control. Bigger pots wont raise the rl as you would need! Fans blowing on leaves exposed to 20% rh might do that too.
True that, wind damage can cause leaves to wilt as well. But the yellowing is only on the older bottom leaves. So more than likely, it's an issue with nutrient uptake. Nutes are getting locked out somehow. You just gotta do some troubleshooting to see why they are getting locked out.


Well-Known Member
They are fine. The baby leaves die off like that. If it doesn't progress upwards it's not a problem,

You do want to pot them up before too long imo.