whats wrong? 1st timer

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Well-Known Member
here she is at ady 13 and i see alot of yellowing and a good portion of the stems purple how does she look??


Well-Known Member
like she needs something maybe a little seasol or fish ferts will help.. something gentle on the plants.

o9ther than that could be nitrogen deficiency
heat stress
or maybe your plant really doesnt like the chlorine and fluoride in the tap water even.

id give it really relly mild ferts its not looking to healthy there. and if your using tap water leave it to sit and agitate the water to get rid of the chlorine and fluride.

also if your using ferts already maybe the soil is burning the plnt or ocking nutes out.... ya didnt say too much about your grow is all. but omething is definately goin wrong sdorry to say


Well-Known Member
like she needs something maybe a little seasol or fish ferts will help.. something gentle on the plants.

o9ther than that could be nitrogen deficiency
heat stress
or maybe your plant really doesnt like the chlorine and fluoride in the tap water even.

id give it really relly mild ferts its not looking to healthy there. and if your using tap water leave it to sit and agitate the water to get rid of the chlorine and fluride.

also if your using ferts already maybe the soil is burning the plnt or ocking nutes out.... ya didnt say too much about your grow is all. but omething is definately goin wrong sdorry to say
i have been using tap water should i switch to bottled? and i havent given it any ferts except i started it in miracle grow but i transplanted it yesterday to into eb stones organic potting soi could it be in shock form the move to a bigger pot?

i did give it two drops of miracle grow house plant food directly on the rockwool when i watered it but 2 drops.. and its under a 40 watt cfl light i hope this helps you guys help me thank you:bigjoint:

i think it suffered from heat stress earlier but idk if it still is cuz i moved the light. and i gave it two drops of


Well-Known Member
like she needs something maybe a little seasol or fish ferts will help.. something gentle on the plants.

o9ther than that could be nitrogen deficiency
heat stress
or maybe your plant really doesnt like the chlorine and fluoride in the tap water even.

id give it really relly mild ferts its not looking to healthy there. and if your using tap water leave it to sit and agitate the water to get rid of the chlorine and fluride.

also if your using ferts already maybe the soil is burning the plnt or ocking nutes out.... ya didnt say too much about your grow is all. but omething is definately goin wrong sdorry to say
i have been using tap water should i switch to bottled? and i havent given it any ferts except i started it in miracle grow but i transplanted it yesterday to into eb stones organic potting soi could it be in shock form the move to a bigger pot?

i did give it two drops of miracle grow house plant food directly on the rockwool when i watered it but 2 drops.. and its under a 40 watt cfl light

i think it suffered from heat stress earlier but idk if it still is cuz i moved the light.

i hope this helps you guys help me thank you:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
nah just leave it to sit in the sun for a few hours and agitate it (hardcore stir here and there)..... dont water your plants with the water if it gets left too long and heats up.... wait for it to cool down so you dont burn the roots..

the shit you put on it ws diluted right????

under them lights heat stress is not verry likely so i think i can rule that out.
may need some nitrogen and that the soil youve put it in may be lacking especially if it was starting to get used to the first one.

like i said id get some seasol and try that first it stinks tho andnot reall suited for indoors but i LITTLE bit may help your plant.

id see how a nice amount of distilled or water thats been left sit does for it. over a few days.. if still no good give it MILD ferts

another thing yor soils not too dry or wet is it????


Well-Known Member
thats just me tho the last thing i want to do is kill anyones babies... id hate it if something like that happened to me when i first started growing lol. thats y normally i only answer q's with a bit more info to avoid fucking up.

i do however believe that it woud be the best approach


Well-Known Member
thats just me tho the last thing i want to do is kill anyones babies... id hate it if something like that happened to me when i first started growing lol. thats y normally i only answer q's with a bit more info to avoid fucking up.

i do however believe that it woud be the best approach
thanks i bought some ph tester strips and tried to adjust my water and today i watered it with 1.9 litres of water i let sit in the sun and shook. please tell me what you think does it still look bad... is it too small for 2 weeks or is it on track thanks for the help here it is day 14



Well-Known Member
can you put it outside????

id give it mild ferts VERY DILUTED (seasol)
make sure you dont over/underwater
maybe try get it a more sufficient light source
keep doing the leave the water to sit and aggitateing before waterings
maybe some fish ferts would be good there are others rather than seasol that dont smell but a little seasol shouldnt hurt (diluted heaps)


Well-Known Member
hmmm outside? i wanted indo if thats possible i was thinking about flowering it tomorrow which would be day 16 i have a book called buds for less or something that shows him doing that and his plant is only 4.5 inches tall mine is over 6 i heard they double in size when you start the 12/12 cycle do you think id get a semi decent yeild? like at least a half oz or something?


Well-Known Member
nope :(

veg longer but then id put it outdoor to flpwer if i could the suns gota be a better light source :)


Well-Known Member
nope :(

veg longer but then id put it outdoor to flpwer if i could the suns gota be a better light source :)
:-? oh well

i dont mind letting it veg i could put it outside sometimes during the day starting tommorrow. or should i wait till i flower it and whats the shortest time i should wait to flower it? thanks 4 all the help jester :peace:
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