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What's up everyone?

My name is G. I'm new to this forum and the industry. I hope I can get some great ideas on how to grow really good sh*t and a lot of it :) from this forum. I am an OIF Vet and found that medical marijuana helps me deal with life alot better then shoving pills everyday. I bought a batch of GSPOT seeds from VSC back in April. I started them on the 28th. So far I built a 4' 12 bulb flouresent tube set-up using T12 plant and aqurium bulbs. The plants are in 1-gallon roots organic soil. So far things went good until the gnat or aphid infestation. Which one I have no clue. There bugs and I hate them. I need advice on how to get rid of them. If anyone can help that would be cool. I've tried lemmon spray, putting mint and even viniger and nothing is working.



Well-Known Member
i think first of all you need to determine if you have gnats OR aphids. gnats tend to be simply annoying (unless they are in huge numbers,) aphids are much more damaging. keep an eye on your stems and back of your leaves...if you see bugs on them then that's probably not gnats.

i have gnats and i use those tanglefoot sticky traps...they seem to help a bit keeping the numbers down. also with gnats you don't want to keep the bottoms of your contains sitting in water. if you have houseplants and you're over watering them you'll have gnat problems as well.

good luck!!!

What's up everyone?

My name is G. I'm new to this forum and the industry. I hope I can get some great ideas on how to grow really good sh*t and a lot of it :) from this forum. I am an OIF Vet and found that medical marijuana helps me deal with life alot better then shoving pills everyday. I bought a batch of GSPOT seeds from VSC back in April. I started them on the 28th. So far I built a 4' 12 bulb flouresent tube set-up using T12 plant and aqurium bulbs. The plants are in 1-gallon roots organic soil. So far things went good until the gnat or aphid infestation. Which one I have no clue. There bugs and I hate them. I need advice on how to get rid of them. If anyone can help that would be cool. I've tried lemmon spray, putting mint and even viniger and nothing is working.