whats up :)

Hey so I got a question next year I'm thinking of doing a grow op of 90 plants outdoors in a acre of land I got. I want to dig holes and plant them with a cubic foot of good soil and start with clones that are a foot tall . I want to do this next June . I would like to here an estimate how much I would get per plant . Of course use nutes and top them all a few times and give them.all a 5 ft radius to allow perfect growth of roots and all the direct sun they could possibly get . This is an idea and my first big grow op... GO BIG OR GO HOME lol :)


Well-Known Member
Well first of all there is no way anybody will be able to predict your yield. Especially with such poor details on your grow plans

Also instead of doing 90 plants and only digging a 1x1 hole why not do 30 plants and dig 3x3 holes? i can almost promise that you will yield as much or more this way
How much more info you guys need??? . The soil from the ground isn't bad so I don't think bigger would affect a lot . Ima water every 3 days


New Member
we dont need the height just length and width ......google says 660 by 66 feet is an acre ......five foot between plants


Well-Known Member
nobody will be able to tell you your yield.

there are to many diverse factors

Could be rainy all year, they get flooded
could be dry as fuck, they wilt and die
could have lots of deer, they get eaten
could be cloudy, they wont grow fast'
could be sunny, they grow great
could have shitty soil, dont grow well
could have great soil, grow great
could use to much nutes, nuteburn and stunted growth
could use not enough nutes, plants starve and stunt growth
could have 89 males and 1 female
could have 89 females and 1 male
Or you could be a total freaking idiot and not know what youre doing.
(Im guessing its gonna be the last option)


Well-Known Member
yup thats another very possible variable

also you didnt tell us what strain you plan on growing, what fertilizers you plan on using

and you didnt say where you are growing, so we cant determine climate or length of growing season


Active Member
According to budologists numbers you are going to yield a little over 6 pounds per plant. Under normal circumstances i would say no way in hell but Since you said you are digging 1x1 holes I would have to agree. The real question would be why are you messing around? You might as well go big!