What's up with my branches?

My branches have been kind of droopy and the branches are purplish. I'm thinking either pumping too much nutrients in there or the branches are too skinny. I also feel like it's over watered although I water once a week.


Well-Known Member
That pot is majorly underfilled, and soil looks dry as hell.
Your main stem looks like you either flowered too early, or stunted an auto. It is literally trying to grow roots above the soil.
No signs of overfeeding that i can see, just an unhappy plant.


Well-Known Member
I will never understand the logic of having an big ass pot that is only half full. In my view more soil means more roots and more roots means more weed.
I do it with my seedlings, but fill them up as they stretch.
If that plant was still in veg, filling it would make a world of difference. At this stage it may help.